v 3.0.0
- removed all code and print the warnings for Eden-pre repo
Recently added script is no longer needed and the skins should remove dependencies for it
forum thread can be found at http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=99502
v 2.0.5:
- don't clear window properties when playing an album
v 2.0.4 (Ppic):
- add some corections for LatestSong fields
v 2.0.3 (Ppic):
- restored album function (clic on random or recently added album will play the full album)
TO SKINNERS: the "playmedia" isn't needed for album, instead of that, "LatestSong.%d.Path" will be filled with command to run the script with albumid, then the script will make a playlist with all song of the album and play it ;)
here is an example made by hitcher:
made a custom button in the settings so the user can choose to use Albums -
XML Code:
Then used that condition when I run the script -
XML Code:
And finally in the actual control -
XML Code:
$INFO[Window.Property(LatestSong.1.Thumb)]$INFO[Window.Property(LatestSong.1.Path),PlayMedia(,)]!Skin.HasSetting(PlayAlbums) + !IsEmpty(Window.Property(LatestSong.1.Title))$INFO[Window.Property(LatestSong.1.Thumb)]$INFO[Window.Property(LatestSong.1.Path)]Skin.HasSetting(PlayAlbums) + !IsEmpty(Window.Property(LatestSong.1.Artist))