
una conversa sobre tecnologia, drets humans,
i llibertat d'Internet que us ofereix el Projecte Tor

PrivChat és una sèrie d'esdeveniments per recaptar fons per al Projecte Tor. A través de PrivChat, us oferirem informació important relacionada amb el que està passant en el món de la tecnologia, dels drets humans i de la llibertat d'Internet convocant experts per a una xerrada amb la nostra comunitat.

Capítol #5 - Protecció contra Pegasus


Cada any, els governs, les agències d'aplicació de la llei, els militars i les corporacions inverteixen milers de milions de dòlars en la creació i la compra de programari espia maliciós, programari dissenyat per infiltrar-se en silenci al dispositiu d'un usuari i permetre als atacants veure'n el contingut sense ser detectats.

Aquest any, el projecte Pegasus va revelar que els usuaris d'aquest tipus de programari espia, conegut com Pegasus i creat pel grup NSO, s'havien dirigit als telèfons que pertanyen a milers de persones en més de 50 països, inclosos executius d'empreses, polítics, periodistes i activistes dels drets humans.

En aquesta edició de PrivChat, uniu-vos a Likhita i Etienne Maynier d'Amnistia Internacional i John Scott-Railton de Citizen Lab per parlar:

  • Què poden fer les persones, els periodistes, els activistes i els defensors dels drets humans per protegir-se del programari espia sofisticat?
  • A quin tipus d'organitzacions podem donar suport per ajudar a aturar aquest abús?
  • Qui està treballant en un programari més segur i privat en el qual podem confiar?

Roger Dingledine, Co-Founder of the Tor Project, will join us as our host and moderator.


Roger Dingledine

President & Co-Founder, the Tor Project

Roger Dingledine is president and co-founder of the Tor Project, a nonprofit that develops free and open source software to protect people from tracking, censorship, and surveillance online. He works with journalists and activists on many continents to help them understand and defend against the threats they face. Roger was chosen by the MIT Technology Review as one of its top 35 innovators under 35, he co-authored the Tor design paper that won the Usenix Security "Test of Time" award, and he has been recognized by Foreign Policy magazine as one of its top 100 global thinkers.



Researcher/Adviser - Technology and Human Rights, Amnesty International

Likhita works as a Researcher and Adviser for Amnesty International's Technology and Human Rights Programme. At present, she is involved in researching targeted surveillance and internet shutdowns. She has researched online hate speech against women and minority populations in India. Previously, she also researched and exposed challenges faced by human rights defenders in India and worked extensively on hate crimes in the country. Likhita holds a master's degree in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action from Sciences Po.

Etienne Maynier

Amnesty International's Security Lab

Etienne Maynier (he/him) is an activist and researcher who investigates the impact of targeted surveillance on NGOs and human rights defenders. He is currently working as Technologist in the Amnesty International's Security Lab doing technical research.

John Scott-Railton

Senior Researcher, Citizen Lab

John Scott-Railton is a Senior Researcher at Citizen Lab (at The University of Toronto). His work focuses on technological threats in civil society, including targeted malware operations, cyber militias, and online disinformation. His greatest hits include a collaboration with colleague Bill Marczak that uncovered the first iPhone zero-day and remote jailbreak seen in the wild, as well as the use of Pegasus spyware to human rights defenders, journalists, and opposition figures in Mexico, the UAE, Canada, and Saudi Arabia. Other investigations with Citizen Lab colleagues include the first report of ISIS-led malware operations, and China's "Great Cannon," the Government of China's nation-scale DDoS attack. John has also investigated Russian and Iranian disinformation campaigns, and the manipulation of news aggregators such as Google News. John has been a fellow at Google Ideas and Jigsaw at Alphabet. He graduated with a University of Chicago and a Masters from the University of Michigan. He is completing a Ph.D. at UCLA. Previously he founded The Voices Projects, collaborative information feeds that bypassed internet shutdowns in Libya and Egypt. John's work has been covered by Time Magazine, BBC, CNN, The Washington Post, and the New York Times.

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